We are about to celebrate our beloved Mother Mary’s birthday on September 8th. During this time I would like to recall an incident from the bible passages. Mother Mary was always aware of Jesus’s Godly nature. But she always kept to it to her heart and meditated. She never thought of sharing it with others as any other normal mother would have done it. As years roll by , Jesus reached the age of thirty. Jesus with his mother and disciples attend their relatives wedding in Cana of Galilee. Those days weddings were a week long event. Host was supposed to provide enough wine during the entire event. To run out of wine at a wedding would have been a source of embarrassment for the family for years. As the marriage event progress , they ran out of wine. And the host is getting nervous ,afraid and not sure how to handle the situation. Mother Mary sees the situation and comes to the rescue of the host. Seeing the plight of the host, she breaks her silence . She intercedes on behalf of the host and highlights the situation to Jesus. Even when Jesus says ‘ my hour has not yet come’, Mother Mary confidently says to the servants “ Do whatever he tells you”. And when the servants did what Jesus asked them to do , he performs the miracle and water turns to wine. Happiness & Peace returns to the event.
As the year 2020 is progressing , we are facing lot of uncertainties. Corona is spreading fast and restricting our movements. Arising unemployment rate is threatening the economy. We are not able to travel to be with our near and dear. Wild fires are ravaging the houses. We are slowly becoming despair. With the future becoming very uncertain we are not sure what to do next. Mother Mary is watching our despair and interceding to Jesus on behalf of us. But at the same time she requests us to do what Jesus asks us to do. BTW what does Jesus really wants us to do during this tough time ?
1. Have Faith
- Your faith has healed you. -
- Women, you. Have great faith! Your
request is granted. - Mathew 15:28
It’s easy to lose faith in this tough time. Keeping our faith alive with focus on Jesus is very important. Praying as a family together helps in this aspect.
2. Help Others
- Love your Neighbor as yourself -
Luke 10:27
- No one has greater love than this, to
lay down one’s life for one’s friends. - John 15:13
Corona & the fires have impacted the communities , churches, organizations around us. Let’s not wait for the WhatsApp forward message to think about it. Let us pro-actively try and reach out to help them in whatever ways possible.
When we follow the above two things ,peace will return to us. With Mother Mary interceding for us we can handle any uncertainties with a smile.