Christmas is a magical season with Love, Friendship, bonding, greatness, and more spiritual feeling brings great joy to everyone's heart. It is the season that we would seek for the family, relatives, and friends to be around for the celebration of the Birth of Jesus. This spirit is invaluable since everyone would feel the life is so beautiful and blessed.
Every day we go through a lot of things in life which is a more monotonous and routine activity. There is no time to think about the real meaning of life. All office-goers would seriously agree what we are leading is a worldly life, never-ending and eventually, over some time we do realize to take a break to enjoy the calmness of the life which we had experienced a way back in India or any rural place. Life was so peaceful, plodding moving pace and had time for everything. Advent season is the right time to reflect and enjoy the spirit of Christmas.
Good news and spiritual faith:
Prepare our
home to allow Jesus Christ to be born with our renewed hope. As a
preparation everyone at home helps each other in decorating the
house, cooking, taking family photos with all warmness. It is
excitement to all of us and guidance for our Children how we are
preparing to welcome the king at our home.
According to Luke 2:10; But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord". It is a great joy and happiness in all of us on receiving Jesus Christ as a gift. This joy extends to our neighborhood, Church, Carols, kids writing to Santa and wishing everyone during the season.
Family bonding:
Christmas is a perfect time
for the families, relatives, and friends to bond. Parents are on
holiday and kids are on a school break. Lots of things to make
over with families which would bring wonderful memories when the
kids grow older and also the children would know the importance
of family and bonding let them grow in love and faith.
Love and friendship:
There is no powerful
word than this. Celebration with all our loved ones with friends
and families brings the greatest happiness in everyone. Blessing
to have friends and relative's presence at home for Christmas to
show our love and affection with one another.
Gifts and Almsgiving:
Christmas Presents.
One of the main reasons we have the custom of giving and
receiving presents at Christmas is to remind us of the presents
given to Jesus by the Wise Men: Frankincense, Gold, and Myrrh.
God himself was a present to us 2000 years ago. John 3:16, says:
'God loved the world so much, that he gave his one and only Son
so that whoever believes in him may not be lost but have eternal
life.' It is one of the reasons for giving gifts during Christmas
is a way to show the love with others. Almsgiving to the poor who
deserves every right to enjoy the Christmas with all the
necessities. Helping underprivileged brings a real joy of this
Advent season.
Inspire with Love:
Inspire everyone around
us with hope and love that God had shown us. Encourage others for
all their good deeds, show them that you care and trust them.
Teach our kids to learn to forgive and bring the beauty of love
In one another.